Tuesday, December 18, 2018

I was driving in a rotary and all of the cars conspired to push me off the side. I fell for some time and after impact, I stood up and was a giant looking down at a toy rotary full of toy cars. I smashed them to the ground, pleased with my power...very Twilight Zone!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Lucid Dream: Trying to get "home". Drove on frantic freeways across confusing intersections. Car disappeared started to run across rocks into entertainment district up staircases dead end in a loft. Leaped from fountain tops and neon signs over crowds of people. Ran into a street winding through rows of open concept shops. A voice said, "Lara, slow down. You are trying to get home but you never will. You are dreaming. Here, let me introduce you to some people." I introduced myself to several strangers, asked them questions but they only replied with vague answers.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I was driving on an interstate and made a hard right off a bridge. I sailed through the air in slow motion watching the scenery and bracing for impact. It never came.
Small animal dream. I was caring for several cockroaches and I put them in a larger enclosure but this emaciated turtle crawled out looking very annoyed. I realized I must have had this turtle for a while but I'd forgotten about it. I fed it spinach and it gobbled it up hungrily. I then poured water into the tank and drowned all the cockroaches.
First lucid dream in many years. Same as always. I announced "I'm dreaming" several times and flew around. I was also very sexual with strangers.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

I was at a restaurant with a group of people. They disappeared and left all of their things behind: instruments, computers and a bag of eggs. As I gathered these things the waiter told me I had to fill the salt. I turned around and the instruments were gone. A trans person approached with scars all over her exposed abdomen. She said "I have great eyesight and I don't see them. Also, I've had my intestines removed from an infection I got from a blow job." "How is that relevant?" I exclaimed.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

I was working at a book fair and it started to rain. I asked the supervisor if I should bring in the books from outside and she said, "No. But please bring in the power cords." I went out to get the power cords and they were immersed in puddles, their wires frayed and exposed.
I was caring for a transparent albino snake the size of a noodle. As the dream progressed, the snake's box would change and it would escape or I would squish it under the lid. Once, I stabbed it by mistake and it bled.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

I had purchased a car to get down a snowy mountain road. The steering wheel slipped from my hands and I watched the car careen by itself down the icy path. Cars were shoved into ice covered ditches along the inner edge and the cliff on the outer edge was embellished with staircases populated by bundled pedestrians. At first I thought it was amusing until the potential damage the rogue car could do entered my mind.
The exercise machines at my gym had been replaced by snack machines, washing machines, and bathtubs. I searched on my phone and a laptop for another gym in the area but the usual barriers arose: numbers that couldn't be read, phones that opened like a map, buttons that made no sense.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A seaside town: weathered shacks engulfed in flower gardens. I under a shelter watching a thrilling, tumultuous sea. An old man sits peacefully in the front seat of a beige Buick floating out. The residents don't speak English and the 911 operator keeps asking stupid questions. I watch the man disappear into the churning swells. He appears calm and I never see his face.
My foot riddled with tissues. I draw one from the back of my heel  covered in a fine blue dust like fungal spores. I kept pulling until it fell out. My foot was hollow and, somehow, though the angle would have been impossible in real life, I could see all the way to the inside of my toes. Sinew stretched along the clean red walls.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

An apartment skirted by a white balcony over a long public hallway exhibiting high ceilings, fine art and natural light streaming through. Exotic animals in landscaped habitats live in the library where the desks rise and fall. Underneath the desks are colossal glass tanks enclosing waterfalls and fat, colorful fish.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

A lightbulb in my hands burst into flame. I threw it in a large barrel. It morphed into the head of a dog and beneath the flames I could see it barking in agony. I thought "it will die soon!" but it just kept barking and barking. There was nothing I could do to save it.

Monday, February 19, 2018

On a beach: clear sky, bright sun. Two occupied VW beetles suspended sideways above me. I rose disoriented. A pop up city had been rearranged. I wandered looking for something familiar. The city was preparing for a Mardigras festival. I passed racks of glittering costumes and flamboyant people.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

 I was in a building that was part hospital, part pre-school, and part office. There were people around that were familiar coworkers. I deduced, therefore, that I must be at work but realized to my embarrassment that I hadn't yet showered and, since there was a bathroom, I decided that I had better take care of this before anyone found out. With this goal in mind, I began to unpin my copious hair which fell in heavy mounds of dreadlocks:  Beautiful, thick, endless dreadlocks that kept falling and falling and I kept unpinning and unpinning and I thought I'd never finish when a coworker arrived. She said I was to remove my plants from in front of the front door because the inspectors were coming. With my hair half unpinned, and a bit nervous about these inspectors, I immediately attempted to attend to her request, only to be blocked from my destination by changing mazes and piles of shoes, dolls and baby items, even the door itself kept changing its appearance until I could not find it. Then, a hospital bed appeared where the door had been and it unfolded into impractical configurations as I attempted to operate the levers and buttons. It was then that I looked around and realized that there was  a sickly person lying on a bed in the corner. She was frail, flaccid and uncovered. She was wet, smelled like urine and had pressure ulcers all over her body. She was falling off the bed onto the floor. I picked her up and she had no bones. I flopped her on the bed and decided I needed to give her a bath. I left her there, wet, cold, uncovered, unprotected and went off in search of towels. I went back into the bathroom and there were shelves full of blankets, q-tips, bibs, spoons, needles, diapers, but no towels. I finally found two worn out rags and wet them with cold water. I went out into the middle of the room and the woman (who was now a man) was up, dressed, robust, and laughing with his family. He came up to me and kissed me, the cold towels dripping water on the floor. I felt incompetent and ashamed.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

There was a flood. I was in an auditorium. My clean clothes in a laundry basket fell into the water and I dived to retrieve them one by one. I visited an artist who was having a craft class in the water. A toy car I was driving with a friend was stuck in the mud. He ran off into the woods screaming.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My boyfriend and I were at the airport and lost contact. My phone was falling apart and inside were sheets of scrap paper, mascara, hair brushes, and other objects. I could not figure out how to put it back together. We missed our plane.