Monday, November 27, 2023

Maze dream on a train. Lost, trying to get back to my car and finding many obstacles of a fun-house variety. In one car, people were playing a games. One involved enormous pieces of modular art. The object was to move "pieces" in an effort to test one's artistic sensibilities. I tried to participate but the facilitator refused to explain the rules. Soon after, the game had changed to monopoly. 

I was having an excellent time at a party. I had worn a lovely straw hat and was feeling very social, loved and accepted. I went for a walk and my hat blew off. Two people on a tall tractor rescued it. I smiled at them, gesturing that it was mine. They drove off laughing with my hat. Things went downhill after that. 

Post-apocalypse, communications severed.. I delivered an inspirational speech to a group of survivors.  Also, I'd written our story in a newspaper, leaving the remainder blank so that others could add stories. Eventually, I said,  it would find someone with access to a printing press. This gave them great hope. 

 I was worried about some termites that were living in an old mattress and I wanted to protect them. I asked a friend to help me move them, and he threw them into a canal. I pulled out the soaking mattress and the termites morphed into large transparent bees that attacked me.