Monday, May 16, 2022

 A typical restaurant dream with all its standard chaoas. A lucid moment arrives with the thought, "Whatever I do doesn't matter." I test my hypothesis by mentally altering the sign on the Marqui. After, I slip deep into a smooth, tapered hole. "This is not what I should be doing," I conclude. Somehow, I escape and fly away. My flight brings me to a little girl's room.. She is about 6 or 7. I fly around and she follows me. I ask, "Are you real and I am a ghost?" A ghost!" she repeats playfully. I think to myself that it is my responsibility to give her some advice. I mutter some platitudes about compassion and take off through the window. 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

 Beautiful cream colored snakes were getting stuck in crevices. I tried to pry them out, but each time their delicate skin tore and a hot broth poured out all over my hands. They subsequently died. I cried, "If I'd only left them alone they may have lived!"